第1304章 附录五:双语视窗(350~441)
第1304章 附录五:双语视窗(350~441) (第3/3页)
a crude essay into a literary gem.点铁成金
409.One trouble follows another.一波未平,一波又起。
410.One turns against a friend and shows him no mercy.翻脸无情
411.One waits till the end of the world.地老天荒
412.One waked up to one’s error.幡然醒悟
413.One went away angry.悻悻而去
414.One works from before dawn till after dark.披星戴月
415.One won in the very first battle or game.首战告捷
416.Rice is as precious as pearls and firewood as costly as cassia.米珠薪桂
417.Seek peace and quiet in noisy surroundings.闹中取静
418.Select the worthy and promote the capable.选贤举能
419.Someone is looking (round) in every direction.东张西望
420.So near and yet so far-see little of each other though living close together.咫尺天涯
421.Take effect for cause.倒果为因\/ Take cause for effect.倒因为果
422.Take great pains to carry on one’s work under difficult circumstances.惨淡经营
423.Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.教学相长
424.The abler one is, the more one should do.能者多劳
425.They are simple words but have deep meaning.言近旨远
426.The bitterness ends and the sweetness begins.苦尽甘来
427.The crow flies and the rabbit runs-time flies.乌飞兔走
428..The dragon had nine sons and each of them was different from the others.龙生九子
429.The higher the price, the better the quality.一分钱,一分货。
430.The more ,the better.多多益善
431.The present is superior to the past.今胜于昔
432.The slow need to start early.笨鸟先飞
433.The soft can overcome the hard.柔能克刚
434.The sun shines again after the rain.雨过天晴
435.The wind is strong and the waves are high.风大浪又高。
436.Think and act in one and the same way,表里如一
437.Think one way and act another.表里不一
438.Time brings great changes to the world.沧海桑田
439.Trouble arises behind the walls of the home.祸起萧墙
440.Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。
441.Words are the voice of the mind.言为心声